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day 5, 2007


Route 66 Oklahoma metal signRoute 66 Texas metal signLeaving Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at 8am.





Leaving the Hotel with Cary Beagle and his friends along with Randy Howland.  We are headed down town to the
Murrah Federal Building Memorial.

The following picture are from the Murrah Federal Building Memorial.  Enjoy the pictures and pray for our country,


Of course we had to eat and go to a museum and take pictures of all our new friends from Oklahoma .  We need to stop and look at a water tower that wasn't right and stand along the road and talk about the tower with a couple new rider (Wayne Early and Bob Whitaker) that joined us at the Texas border. Entering into Texas you must stop and see the cross .Then on into Amarillo, check into our rooms and out to dinner, let the pictures do the talking.


That was the Big Texan and our Limo Driver Katty.


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