Hello Rodger. Here is a picture of my sister-in-law who passed away from
cancer Nov. 2012. I would like to dedicate the ride from Colton California to
the Santa Monica Pier in L.A.

Shan Neer passed away on Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 from
complications of cancer treatment. She was born in England in 1946. After
graduating from high school in the US, Shan married my brother Philip. They
operated a dairy farm and raised 6 children together. Throughout her adult life
Shan enjoyed scrapbooking, reading, and camping in their Winnebago which my
brother rebuilt after the Xenia tornado in 1974. Most of all, Shan valued her
faith in God and her family. When she was diagnosed with cancer in her sinuses
in her mid 40's, she underwent surgery and harsh radiation treatment. She
continued to live life to the fullest and seldom complained, often expressing
gratitude for each day of life, but the treatment caused progressive
deterioration in her immune system, respiratory issues and inability to eat, and
finally took her life. She is missed not only by her family, but also by her
church and community friends.
have requested that we dedicate a part of our ride in honor of my
sister-in-law. Watching her more than 20-year brave battle with cancer, has
motivated me to make even more effort to raise contributions for our cause, (to
find a cure) as well as do the ride myself.
I request we dedicate the section of Route 66 from Chicago to Joliet to his
Roger W. Peterson grew up in Chicago.
Roger lived most of his life in Chicago. Roger met his wife, to be, Ruth
Anderson while at a Lutheran Church Camp. Ruth lived in Joliet, IL and in their
days of dating Roger made the trip from Chicago to Joliet every week-end.
Shortly after meeting Ruth he went to work for the U.S. Postal Service as a
carrier. His career was interrupted by World War II when he entered the United
States Navy serving in the Philippines. After the war he returned to continue
working for the U.S. Postal Service. Roger retired in 1970 and moved to Lac du
Flambeau, Wisconsin where they owned and operated the "R & R Resort" on
Fence Lake. He died of cancer in 1972.
I am requesting that the portion of our ride from Chicago to Joliet be
dedicated to my father Roger W. Peterson, as he drove this stretch of our ride
often because of his love for my mother and we drove it often together as a
family to visit our relatives in Joliet.
Thank you,
Norman C.
A Special Survivor Mike Spivack's 90 year old mom Anna Spivack Lawrence.

This is a photo of my 90 year old mother Anna, her granddaughter and great
A mother of 2, grand mother of 3, great grand mother of
Among her many accomplishment she was the first licensed female cab driver
in Massachusetts.
At 90 years of age she has only seen the inside of a
hospital 3 times in her life, until now.
She is as spry and agile as a
She was just diagnosed with cancer of the cervix and will begin
radiation August 16th.
She is my mom and very important to me. I have
had her in my life for 68 years and and would like a few more. She says she
wants 10 more years to aggravate me and that's ok with me.
Any and all
prayers and thoughts would be greatly appreciated
Gary and Patti Gallo ask that there be a special
dedication to Patti's mom (Anne T. Paul). So we will dedicate a portion of the Ride to
this lovely lady. I (Rodger Fox) had the honor of having breakfast
with this beautiful lady in April and I know how much she is missed.