This web site is just about ready to go down, I can no longer make changes or edit like I need to.  Please go to the new web site  Sorry but that is the way GoDaddy works.


Follow our Ride 2012

This is following our Ride day by day.

Day 1----Day 2----Day 3----Day 4----Day 5----Day 6
Day 7----Day 8----Day 9----Day 10----Day 11----Day 12

My trip home   
Day 13    Day 14    Day 15    Day 16   Day 17    Day 18
Day 19    Day 20    Day 21    Day 22    Day 23    Day 24    Day 25    Day 26 
Day 27    Day 28

Again my Rider's pleasantly surprise me with their fundraising and committment to finding a "CURE" for Cancer. Before expensesas of March 8, 2013 you guys have raised:

for the 2012 Ride for the Relay 
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