Holbrook, AZ to Kingman, AZ
When checking in to the Best Western in Holbrook someone behind me said "it must be Rodger Fox", and I turn around and it was David (Switch) Jones and his wife Patti (Bate) from Wisconsin. Dave has rode on the ride every year except the first on and his wife Pattie has been on three of the rides. Dave is also the one who designed the "All the way Gang" patch, so it was a thrill to see them.
Our day started honoring those that lost there lives on 9-11, we had a very special prayer and a few moments of reflecting back on that day. Take a long look at the first picture, this is what you see coming into Winslow on Old Route 66. Those are beams from the World Trade Center.
Today we had a group leave the Motel at 7am with Brian Revels leading them to the Grand Canyon. I heard they a great ride up to the Canyon and was able to get some really good pictures before the clouds and the rain closed in. I heard that Brian did a very good job leading the group, I think he is looking for a job for next year as a leader.
Those of us that didn't go to the Grand Canyon went to the Tee-Pee Motel for some pictures, then on to Winslow, AZ where we all stood on the corner, then had a break at the La Posada Hotel, then on to the Meteor Crater, had a great time there, sold several pins and raffle tickets. From the Crater we went into Flagstaff for lunch at The Place, then Old Route 66 to Seligman, AZ for ice cream at The Snow Cap Drive-in, some had lunch at Road Kill Cafe, some bought gifts for family and friends back home and some just soaked up all the flavor of the Old Road. A trip to down town Seligman is like stepping back in time.
Out of Seligman you travel about 80 miles on the longest and most beautiful part of Route 66 on our trip into Kingman.
I did not take a lot of pictures today, sorry but here is a few.