Colton, California to Santa Monica Pier
Leave at 8am arrive approximately Noon
Sorry I am a day late posting but when you have this groupand you are trying to get them to look like
this groupand then throw in the White Beard Group
well frankly I was wore out.
The above picture were taken around 9am and then we were off to the Santa Monica Pier. Interstate 10 going into
LA was one of those experiences that you are glad you had, you are glad it is over and you probably wouldn't want
to do it again. It was a two hour ride to the Pier with no stops, except on the freeway when all traffic stopped several times. We were 20 motorcycles strong
and a red mustang. We decided to walk to the end of the Pier first, take pictures, then go to Bubba Gump's. Some of the
Riders wanted to get on the road and didn't want to take the time to have lunch.
So we headed to the end of the Pier and again I am trying to get this group
to look like
this Pier to Pier group Now let us look at each on of them up close.
<Bobby "Road Kill" Taylor, Texas
<Eric "Gas Man" Jones, Oklahoma
<Dick and Mary Schultz, Wisconsin
<Jim Nichols & VIkki Kirsch, Ill
<Paul Schweitzer & Amy Rumpff, Wisc
<Roger Steensma, Michigan
<Roy Mongar, Michigan
<Glen Adams, Pennsylvania
<Dan Calhoon, Kansas
<Garlan "Willie" Wilson, Indiana
<David & Faye Paul, Ohio
<Gary W. Indorf, Ohio
<Carl J. Oehler, Illinois
<Joe Austin, North Carolina
<Bill Boklin, Florida
<Jim & Virginia Bruce, Louisiana
<Lowell L. Lemmerhirt, Wisconsin
<Brian Revels, Michigan
Honorable mention goes to Page Parrish IIIwho would have been Pier to Pier if not for a conflict at the start.
After hugs, kisses, goodbye's and a few tears we bid a farewell to those leaving and the rest of us went to Bubba Gump's.
Joining us was John Matthews> a member of the 2007 All the Way Gang, and a dear friend
Michelle and her daughter Brittney
<My friend Machelle----Brittney and her friend>
Roy Mongar>had an electrical problem with his bike at the Pier, our good friend
John Matthews>with a little support from Bobby "Road Kill" Taylor, got a wrecker out to the
Pier and made all the arrangement to get Roy's bike fixed. It would have been much worse than it was if we didn't
have a dear friend like John. Our hats off to you John.
And we say goodbye to the Santa Monica Pier once more.